Om is one of the most chanted sounds and symbols in a yoga class. It has a powerful effect on the student of yoga. Mantras begin with Om, it is even used as a greeting in spiritual circles. Om is not just a sound or a word, but a sacred vibration that represents the Universe itself; and its repetition is said to hold transformative potential to sincere students of yoga.
Om is considered to the the essence of the entire Universe, the primordial sound and sacred vibration. It is existence and nature itself.

Consciousness, known as Brahman, is abstract and boundless. When this abstraction takes on a physical vibration, this vibration is known as Om. From this source vibration, all other vibrations are said to manifest. Thus, Om is the cause of existence.
The mathematical concept of infinity encompasses the abstract idea that suggests a "never-ending" concept. When written down, it appears as a representative symbol ∞. Similarly, Om, is the physical representation and sound of infinite consciousness that cannot be described.
Why Chant Om
By chanting Om, we are aligning with Consciousness itself, and connecting with the vibration that is described as peaceful, blissful and divine and infinite. In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna says, "I am the sacred syllable Om in the Vedic mantras" (B.G. 7-8) With the repetition of the mantra Om, we align ourselves with a deep Universal Consciousness.
Physiologically, there are numerous benefits to chanting Om for the system, including stress relief, anxiety reduction and peace of mind. Even 5 minutes of chanting has been shown to have tremendous benefits to the system.
What does Om mean?
The sound of Om is described as having three primary phonetic elements: "A," "U," and "M," which symbolize key triple aspects of existence described throughout the tradition in a variety of ways. Some common thoughts are:
The three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, sleeping
The three aspects of manifestation: Creation (Brahma), Preservation (Vishnu) and Dissolution (Shiva).
The three aspects of time: past present and future... and more.
Aside from these sacred trinitites, there is a fourth silent component, described as turiya, that transcends the reality of states and aspects. This silent part is the experience of calm, bliss and silence.
The written symbol
The symbol of Om, written in Sanskrit, has a specific shape and structure that represents the various ideas of existence, with each stroke and dot depicting its rich meaning and the connection between the physical, vibrational and essence.

How to Chant Om
To begin, sit quietly and peacefully. Try to keep the back straight. Look for a quiet place to practice. When repeating the mantra Aum, chant it with lips barley parted. Create the sound deep in your belly using your diaphragm, then observe as the vibration travels upwards along the spine. Experience the resonance in the sinus and cranium. The sound continues to travel upwards toward the crown of the head and then ends in silence above the crown, in spaciousness. Be with this experience for a few moments, and then repeat.
When chanted, Om is believed to assist in the alignment of our body mind and spirit with the universal vibration, to cultivate peace of mind and to facilitate awakening. Repetition of Om helps practitioners focus their mind and cultivate a deeper connection to the Self. Whether it is used as a simple practice for peace or a deep part of your practice of self-awareness, Om mantra repetition is powerful yet accessible practice.
Xo Aarti